Like the LED Glow Kit but broke a little during installation
I like it, but, I could use a new one. Here's what happened. I got the under glow kit for the Surron Ultra Bee. The unit is supposed to mount flush above the rear shock. The wires from the LED got in the way. The wires protrude and when tightening down the units screws that hold it between battery and under seat compartment, the wires of the LED squished between the mount bracket and the unit itself, and one of the screws for the LED lens shot out. Stripped the treads right out. I hot glued it back together for now. Hopefully it holds. I like it but the unit could use notching for the wires so it can mount flush without interruption. Instructions that came with it were also unclear and not for the Ultra Bee. I found a video on youtube to help me install it even though it wasn't 100% success. It's got great color and brightness.